Lifetimes of Listening Archive

Laya Abdal
Songs that Push You Forward
Laya describes her love of creating playlists for specific vibes, and also her older sister’s party when she was just ten, and discovered her love of DJing.

Jacob Acosta
Music and Important Family Memories
A Lifetime of Musical Growth, as a Solo Artist and Group Member

Ayla Ahmad
Music Became a Force to be Reckoned With
Ayla discusses how music is a source of strength for her even when aspects of it don’t align entirely with who she is.

Stefan Aleo
The Sound of a Dream
Stefan describes how an album introduced him to new musical sounds, and how that inspired him to create his own recordings.
Phoebe Allen
Finding Release in Music
Phoebe tells how she cultivated an awareness of the emotions in music through performing and composing and listening to it.
Mohammed Alsahafi
One Note Kind of Feeling
Mohammed describes how music captured his imagination, inspired him to sing, and then carried him through difficult times.

Bryce Andersen
It’s Important To Get Some Happiness in Your Music
Bryce describes playing in a family band at church, and his listening habits.
Robin Anderson
The Soundtrack of a Roadtrip
Robin discusses how soundtracks to movies and videogames became the soundtracks for drives up Mt. Lemmon or to California with her family.

Abdullrhman Ali M Assad
When My Identity Shines Through the Music
Abduhlrhman describes playing rock band with his siblings as a kid, and how that led him to become a more active listener, and eventually a musician.

Brynn Atonna
I Won't Forget The Applause
Brynn describes her experience of playing viola in the pit orchestra of the musical Pippin, and how it connects to her lifelong connection to performing music.
Jayden Auten
Music Makes the World Feel Smaller
Jayden describes many ways that music has helps her to feel connected to others.

Andy Bade
My Childhood Memories of Music in the Park
Andy shares the experience of sitting by his dad in a concert band in the park, a pivotal experience in his life's musical direction.

Josh Barbre
The Song Where it All Clicked
Josh recounts a moment where his awareness of how a My Chemical Romance song made sense to him, and how that fits into his path towards being a music professional.

Jon Batiste
Music to Honor a Matriarch
Jon reflects on a personal transformation when he played "Amazing Grace" at his Grandmother's funeral.

Devin Bayly
Music as a solace for loneliness
Devin recounts how music bolstered his spirits when he was lonely while working abroad.
Ariel Benavidez
Listening with Aunt Carmen
Ariel describes how songs for her help express her feelings towards her loved ones.

Shane Bernard
A Music Tree is a Life Center that Connects People Together
Shane speaks about his extensive musical experience and how that comes through in his podcast, where he encourages people to explore their love of music.

Bruce Blackstone
My Blues Awakening
Bruce recalls being turned on to American Blues and its connection to his favorite '60s British Rockers
Lenny Brunton
One Part of the Whole
Lenny tells about how choir shaped her identity in high school, and that one trip to Carnegie Hall that got cancelled.
Jada Burton
Fall Back Into a State of Calm
Jada describes how she can listen or imagine Nina Simone’s voice in order to feel a bit more serene.