Lifetimes of Listening Archive

Jose Luis Bustillo
The Beauty of a Song is Being Able to Remember
Jose Luis discusses how one song has taught him about the power of soccer as a unifying force.

Buddy Buttram
Waking up to Drumming
Buddy chronicles the musical influences that led him to the serious study of drum set.

Anthony Campbell
Music Meets History
"Campo" (Anthony) Campbell recalls his first purchase of a single, which he connects with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Alexis Campion
The Joy of Singing Along
Family memories: Road Trips, Singing Along
Jonathon Penuelas Campos Salvador
Music puts me back inside the memory
Jonathon explains their approach to listening, and why the music from those family parties made such an impression.

Jason Carder
A Lesson in Improvisation from Ray Charles
Jason reflects on the time Ray Charles gave him a profound musical lesson.

Anthony Castillo
The King of Pop
Anthony describes how a video of Michael Jackson when he was a child began a love of music that carries him through the present.

Homero Ceron
Growing into my Life as a Percussionist
Homero recalls essential musical experiences that have shaped his life and career as a percussionist in Tucson, AZ

Sahasra Chakkirala
Less Stress, More Guitar
Sahasra explains how Taylor Swift helped her study, and how music calms her.

Debbie Chastain
Dad, Martie Robbins and Me
Debbie's memories of her Dad's love of Marty Robbins and how music "anchors" her to places where her family lived in Africa

Josue Chavez
My evening with Lila Downs
An unexpectedly moving concert teaches a young man about the power of music.
Nate Chavez
Chasing a Mood
Nate listens to music to get what he needs for the day, something he does through carefully curated playlists.

JT Chen
Happy and Sad at the Same Time
JT gets homesick when he hears Mayday, a band from his Taiwanese high school that became internationally famous.
Roy Chetty
Childhood Nostalgia
Roy describes an early memory of listening to music in car trips, as well as some of his more recent musical inspirations as a guitarist.

Ronan Clarke
To know someone, know their music
Ronan explores his love for Metallica, and his philosophy that “you can see how a person see’s the world through their music.”

Jeff Commings
The Music Shook Me, Deep Inside
Jeff recounts the moment that began his quest for learning about music, his love of John Williams, and what it was like to be an adult learning to play the piano.

Gina Compitello
Music Builds Bridges
Gina discusses how her mom and grandmom introduced her to French popular music, and also how she shares music with the kids in her life.
Andre Cota
Learning Music to Explore Yourself
Andre discusses his journey through marching band, into a serious study of jazz, across a pandemic and into the present day.

Chris Craig
Memories of a Turbulent Youth
Chris recalls how music played a role in a time of intense life transitions.

Diana Daly
Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Meatloaf
Diana shares the significance of the passing of the rock artist Meatloaf, and the importance of his album "Bat out of Hell" in her developmental years.