Lifetimes of Listening Archive

Benjamin Kellerhaus
A Deep Dive into Bob Dylan
Recollections of an intense, lyrically-focused listener.

Cecily Knepprath
Sad songs, Happy Childhood Memories
Cecily's paternal grandmother made a habit of singing sad songs to her, a source of enduring, happy memories.

Shai Korman
The Musical Genius of "Weird Al" and R.E.M.
Friday Night Movie Podcast host Shai Korman shares his love of “Weird Al” Yankovic and R.E.M.

Karl Kruse
Growing up with Rock 'n' Roll
From Elvis on Ed Sullivan to Chuck Berry at a St. Louis teen club, to discovering Wilco and learning to play guitar, a life of musical fascinations.

Kenji Lancaster
An Author, a Cook, or a Musician
Kenji tells a part of the story of his journey towards becoming a jazz drummer.

Augustin Larrain
My Relationship to Music and Santiago's Suburbs
Augustin reflects on growing up in the suburbs of Santiago, and his very tentative approach to understanding and performing music.

Nicholas Ledbetter
Heavy and Happy
Nicholas shares his joy and amusement at the diversity of musical experiences and tastes that have enriched his life.
Tate Lemmer
Pandemic Listening
Tate tells of the song that marked the beginning of the pandemic for him, and the other that symbolized the moment things began to shift back towards normal.

Tim Lohman
Pivotal Musical Moments
Tim shares turning points in his appreciation of great music, and the technology that enabled them
Leah Lopez
Mariachi Transforms You
Leah describes performing Mariachi, and what it is like playing music with your best friends.

Chris Maluszynski
A Song (a Psalm), for Summer, in Sweden
Chris remembers a psalm that children sang at the beginning of Summer in Sweden.

Pila Martinez
A Song for a Father's Funeral
Pila remembers fulfilling her father's request that her daughter's honor his memory with a recording of "My Way."

Adam Mattson
With a choir, it’s music
Adam discusses a love of singing and how choral competitions in high school still transport him back.

Tom McElhaney
A Greatest Time
Tom describes the founding of Troy’s Bucket and his lifelong connection to Metal music.

Jacob Thanh Son Metcalf
Finding Your Voice
Jacob tells how he developed his personal musical style from listening and emulating to the vocal techniques of Max and others.
Loren Mitchel
Changing Understandings of Pop Song
Loren reflects on how his relationship to music changes over time.

Kyle Mittan
A child at Red Rocks
Kyle recalls his first-ever concert and the vivid nature of his memories, despite his being five years old at the time.
Tariq Mohammed
The Music You Listen to Actively
Tariq describes listening to his mom’s classical piano records, and all of the influences that shape the music he makes today.

Becky Moon
The Panama City Beach Bop
Becky explains why if people don’t want her to dance in public, they ought not play that kind of music.

Will Moon
The song that creates a perfect melancholy
Will reflects on how a single song in a film taught him to connect more deeply with music.