Lifetimes of Listening Archive

Whitney Morgan
Dad, the Big Bopper and Me
Whitney's connection with her father through music, and a moving musical reconnection late in his life
Andy Mourelatos
Return Again to Music
Andy discusses how music has existed in his life, from his childhood drum set, through favorite albums, to bands and being a fan of Tucson’s local music scene.

Soraya Movassaghi
Invite Music Into Your Life
Soraya discusses learning music from a great teacher, how she perceives musical sound differently, and how music acts as a vessel to communicate.
Kyle Myint
A Good Way to Express Yourself
Kyle recounts his time with piano, and how he found motivation by playing music with friends.

Jamili Omar
When My Dad Was Around There Was Music
Jamili recounts how she inherited a tendency to always have music in her household from her dad, and also her love of James Taylor's music.

Bo Ongley
How Doo Wop Helps One Fall in Love
Bo remembers the first time he sang doo wop with his then future wife

Giselle Pereyra
Keep Building One’s taste in Music
Giselle recounts some songs that make her feel a “certain way,” and that one song that makes her think of dodgeball.

Laurel Pollard
My Father’s Musical Gift to Me
Recollections of a special, musically moving experience in the life of a young girl.

Katie Prudic
Not What You Would Expect
Katie reflects on her time as a roller derby athlete, and about how punk music facilitates a combination of frustration and joy.

Jose Luis Puerta
Finding My Musical Instrument, the Guitar
Jose Luis's circuitous route to connecting with the instrument he loves.

Kelsie Ramos
Jazz Provides Calm in the Classroom
Kelsie recounts how her preschool teacher used to play jazz music and how it made her feel at ease.

Samantha Rea
It Made Me Feel Like There Was More to Myself
Samantha describes what being the only girl to pick trombone did for her confidence and well being.

Dennis Richards
Music, another way of having a friend
Dennis shares early memories of hearing rock ‘n roll on Armed Services Radio, stories of buying albums in Tucson in the 1960s, and his love of Frank Zappa.

Trevor Rickus
Take It Easy
Trevor remembers his Dad singing along to the Eagles, and thinks about what its like to teach music.

Tom Riis
The Stories We Tell
Tom shares stories about his mentors and early memories of the cello as well as some of his successful moments as a teacher.
Alexlis Rivera-Jinel
I Just Felt Happier Being in Band
Alexlis describes the feelings of being in a marching band and particularly that one last performance before the pandemic.

Daniel Alberto Rivera Castelo
Losing Yourself in the Music
Daniel shares experiences of high school marching and jazz bands, and that time he lost himself entirely in a performance.

Robert Robbins
B.B., Bruce, Eddie and Me
University of Arizona President Robbins remembers the music that moved him from his childhood throughout his life, but it just doesn’t really get better than hearing Eddie Van Halen play live.

Aiden Rodriguez
Listening to the Things that got me Started
Aiden describes his path to performance on saxophone and guitar, through marching band and jazz band.

Ashley Rodriguez
Playing Drums in a Marching Band
Ashley shares her memories of being a bass drum player in a marching band, and how that shapes her listening today.