Lifetimes of Listening Archive

Susan Walcott
Driving to The Doors
Susan's recollections of "driving to The Doors" on LA's freeways and strong connections to earlier times.

Jael Walker
I’m not that one
Jael recalls listening and dancing to Colombian cumbias with her family in Tucson, and the importance of “Yo no soy esa” in her life.

Rick Wamer
Dad and Tchaikovsky in the Middle of the Night
Rick tells the touching story of observing his father's middle-of-the-night explorations of classical music.

Norman Weinberg
It All Started with a Basketball
A Retired U of AZ professor of percussion shares formative events in his early musical life, performing classical and rock around America.

Michael Weinstein
I'm a Karaoke Champion!
Michael shares the great musical/cultural/performative experience of high-level Karaoke competition.

Alana Weising
Pivoting Toward a Life as a Percussionist
A well-established tympanist and percussion instructor recalls important moments and concepts in her musical development.
Joseph Whitman
Music To Make You a Better Person
Joe shares how he finds a way forward when the odds feel against him through listening to music.

Noya Willis
Songs That Move You to Dance
Noya reflects on how her experience of violin and the Afro Caribbean music she grew up with continues to shape the music she listens to today.

Laura Wilson
Seeking out the Music for a Mood
Laura remembers a time when music helped heal her, and how she uses music to work through feelings today, for herself and others.

Kaitlyn Wright
Swaying With the Music
Kaitlyn describes her experiences singing from her first solo, how she overcame stage fright, and her techniques to memorize music.

Jennifer Yamnitz
Friendships and Risk-Taking with Pop-Punk
Jennifer shares college-age adventures with friends, exploring the Pop-Punk scene in Boulder, CO

Hans York
Dad, Christmas and Mahalia: A 55-Year Journey
Hans recalls a tender childhood memory of his father and Christmas, which he revisits decades later

Praise Zenenga
Music's Multi-Ethnic Healing Power
Praise's African and multi-ethnic music; growing up in a traditional Zimbabwean village.

Faye Daphne Le Zhang
On Belonging to a Scene
Faye discusses his experiences within the Tucson hardcore scene and why it matters.